Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Treasures from the Flea Market

A few weeks ago,
I went to the Flea Market in Ventura, California.
I promised to post some
photos of the wonderful treasures
I was able to pick up that day.

My favorite find was an item I *almost* passed up!
I can't believe I almost left this beauty behind.

I walked away from the stall -
and then I remembered the first, and most important,
rule of "flea-marketing":
if you love it, grab it & do NOT hesitate.

When I went back to buy this item,
the seller told me it is an
authentic piece of old Italian architecture.
Heart melt...
I am always drawn to items with a story/history.

 Finally, I negotiated with the vendor
(which I never do...)
and I was able to purchase this pretty piece
for a mere $15.

I love that there are 3 cherubs -
just like my 3 kids!
My husband really likes this piece, too.
We both like how it looks great hanging in our kitchen.

My kitchen also has this pretty pair
of hand-painted Portuguese candlesticks
that I bought at the Flea Market.

The intricate painted designs are lovely.
In addition, the blues and yellows go
well with some of the Provencal items I have in my home.

 The third, and final item, I brought home with me
was this French wire egg basket.
I've always wanted one.
As I hemmed & hawed at the vendor's booth,
Bestie M convinced me it was perfect for Easter.

Tomorrow, I will share how I have styled this cutie
with moss, eggs, and ribbon for SPRING!

Au Revoir,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joanne! YOu were so kind to leave a comment on my blog about the HOmeGoods makeover...I realize you are in Santa Barbara and I am going to be visiting soon. I would love to go to that Flea Market! I will look through your blog and see if you have another tips of good places to go.
