Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Simplified Life for a Simple New Year

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
-Mark Twain

Happy New Year.
It's 2017.
Time to live life to its fullest.

On December 30th, my mother-in-law passed away.
The last few days of her life,
she was in a hospital bed - surrounded by her husband (of 58 years), her 5 children and their 4 spouses (including me), her 9 grandchildren, and some of her closest friends.
There was so much love.
It was terribly sad
- and incredibly beautiful at the same time.

Being so close to death has made me feel extremely reflective. I am really feeling the importance of making the most of each and every day.

This event has brought out a lot of people's true colors -
some good and some... well, not.
Literally, there is a person "close" to me who expressed more sympathy for a person with a sick dog than they did for my family and me after this death in our family.
It was almost unbelievable.

No more...

2017 is the year where I simplify my life.
One way I am doing that is by letting go of some toxic relationships.  I have the love and support of really good people.  They are who I will hold on to and treasure.
The toxic people are the "bowlines" that I am throwing off this year.  The truly good people will be with me as I explore, dream, and discover what is truly important.

Like gorgeous Santa Barbara sunsets (above).

And peace and happiness in the new year.

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